Great Zone Conferences this round!
Durban Zone is six out of eight!
So proud of all of those who presented and participated!
Elders Ballif, Nichols, Homer (AP), and Sister Jenson
Elders Blamoh, Harbertson, Walker, Allen, Simayile (AP), Kumar
Elders Da Silva, LaHue (ZL)
Elder Blamoh
So grateful to our senior missionaries - the Hampshires, and Sister Jenson
Elder Homer eating healthy
Elder Harbertson
Elder Walker
Elder Allen
Elders Homer (AP), Blamoh
Elders Simayile (AP, Kumar, Ballif, Nichols
Elders Hauck, Simayile (AP), Kumar, Ballif, Nichols, Homer (AP)
Elders Hauck, Ballif, Nichols
Elder Cox instrucs us
Elder Sala (ZL) taught us!
Elders Da Silva, Simayile (AP), Jeri, and Sala (ZL)
Elder Lahue (ZL) taught us
Elder Simayile (AP)
Elders Walker, Hauck,
Elders Da Silva, Nobunga, Walker, Hauck, Harbertson, Jeri, Allen
Homer (ZP), Blamoh
Elder LaHue (ZL)
Durban Zone
The Durban Zone singing in the parking lot!
Elder Blamoh
Elder Allen
Elder Harbertson teaches us
Elder Hauck taught us
We were taught many things today!