Saturday, August 12, 2017

My Birthday!

I felt spoiled last Tuesday - August 8th was my birthday!

I was well fed throughout the day for one, and then I got
lots of texts, phone calls, and even serenaded by several
missionaries - not to mention my family calling!

Thanks everyone!

 Me, Elder Hamilton, and Elder Olson
These missionaries made dinner for my birthday! Yum!

 Salad, french bread and olive oil dip, chicken breast, twice baked potato, salad,
and non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice - plus brownies and ice-cream!

President Thompson brought me this breakfast platter!
There is a cute African apron underneath the food, a box of
dark chocolate bars, a croissant, yogurt with berries, and
hot chocolate with coconut marshmallows! Wow!!!


  1. Happy late birthday Sister Thompson. Tuesday was our 19th Anniversary. A great day. Thank you for all you do..

  2. August is a great month to have a Birthday! ;) love seeing Elder Olson helping and serving others. Thanks for all you and President Thompson do for the Missionaries!
