Thursday, December 13, 2018

Mission Home Dinner

Our new elders have had a full day! After the temple site they went to the office to learn about their boardings, take a driving test (on the left side!), go proselyting, and have an interview with President Thompson! They have been up early, so by now they are starting to get tired! But usually food helps, so I have prepared dinner, and then we will have testimony meeting, and assignments will be declared!

 Elder Hiatt

 Elder Waite

 Elder Ockey

 Elder Tamanivula

 Elder Memmott and Elder Watson

 We are waiting for President Thompson!

 Elder Ndlovu

 Elders Tamanivula and Rangwanasha

 Elders Waite and Memmott

 Elder Ockey

 Waiting for the big reveal as to who their companions (trainers) will be, and what area they will be serving!


 Laying out the map of the mission!

 Elder Ostler (AP) will reveal the areas and companions!

 After dessert, the missionaries were kind enough to help clean up and do dishes!

 Yes, I have a lot of aprons!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these pictures! It makes Africa seem not quite so far away. Thank you for your service and care for all the missionaries!
