Friday, November 2, 2018

Departing Elders

The Airport Goodbye

 Elder LaHue

 Elders Apie and Simayile

 Elder Mnisi and Elder Apie

 Elder Simayile

 Elder Mnisi

 Elder Apie

 Elder LaHue has his boarding passes!

 Getting checked in!

 Elder Jantjies

 Making our way to the terminal

 Elders Simayile and Huntington

 Elder Apie

 Elder Jantjies

 President and Elder Jantjies

 Carry ons! 

 Elder LaHue

 Elder Maughan

 Elder Huntington

 Elder Nielsen

 Elder Apie

 Elder Simayile

 Elder Ntaka (AP) and Elder Nielsen

 Elder Merritt

 Elder Jantjies

 Elder Mnisi

 Saying goodbye is hard! Love all of these young men! They are truly valiant!

 Best wishes to all!

 Elder LaHue

 Elder Jantjies

 Elder Mnisi

 Elder Huntington

 Elder Merritt

 Elder Simayile

 Elder Nielsen

 Elder Apie

 Elder Maughan

These Elders will soon retire their badges - but we honor them with every footstep they took!
Well done Elders! We are proud of you!


  1. President and Sister Thompson, thank you for the care and love you gave our boy's, they definitely came home men. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

    1. Thank you! So glad Elder Huntington made it home safely! We miss him already!

  2. Wow....this is the last group of missionaries we met before we left the mission....and now they are going home! They all look so happy to have served for two years under the leadership of such a wonderful mission president and his wife! And probably a little happy to be going home also!
