Monday, January 28, 2019

Newcastle District Conference

Our last Newcastle District Conference!

Where has the time gone? It is hard to believe that this is our last Newcastle District Conference. We love the people of this district and its leaders! We have been so blessed in so many ways of knowing these good and faithful people!

 The choir!

 Our missionaries greeting the members as they come inside the school auditorium.

 President Thompson and I have had the privilege of speaking at all the District Conferences. This
is the Sunday session, held in a local school auditorium in the township of Madadeni.

 Cute little girl!

 Sister Dent (part of our fabulous five), and Sister Van Heerden whoses husband is a member of the
Mission Presidency

 Newcastle Zone

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I remember attending your FIRST conference there...and there was an area authority that only spoke French, and President Thompson had to translate...and he did a fantastic job...and I don't think you had even been in the mission very long! I remember the pretty turquoise dresses that the choir wore also. It is hard to believe it has been almost 3 years ago!
