Thursday, April 18, 2019

Lesotho Zone Conference

Lesotho Zone Conference

March 2019

I am so grateful to Elder and Sister Petersen for taking charge of last month's Zone Conference in Lesotho, as I went to the hospital. They provided these wonderful photos of the conference! Thanks Elder and Sister Petersen!

 Elder Peck

 Elder Abel

 Sister Petersen

 Elder Matpetla is from Lesotho and he just returned from his mission - he is talking to President Thompson

 Former Elder Mapetla


 A fantastic group!

 Elders Larsen and Lubelwana

 Elder Peck

 Elder Peck

 Elder Chen

 Elder Chen

 Elders Ochom and Whiting

 Elder Bodnar

 Elders Larsen and Lubelwana

 Elder Ochom

 Elder Vickers

 Elder Atkinson

 Elder Lubelwana

 Elder Bodnar

 Our Lesotho Zone!

 Elder Larsen

 Elder Abel

 Sister Petersen created this beautiful table for lunch!

 Pre-conference snacks!

 Elder Abel

Former Elder Mapetla! Welcome home!


  1. I love seeing the pictures of this Zone Conference. My heart is so full of joy and happiness. Elder Abel's twin brother Elder Abel is serving in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission and knew Elder Mapetla. So glad that he was able to meet the other Elder Abel. Thanks for posting.

    1. That is so awesome! It is indeed a small world! Thanks!
