Monday, September 10, 2018


I just learned tonight that we are getting 24 Missionaries on October 30th! This will be our biggest group in over two years.

This is another miracle we have seen as a result of our Mission Fast that we held on August 27th! We prayed and fasted to receive all the missionaries we've been expecting and to help prepare the people here for the temple.

On August 26th, we were only going to get 7 missionaries in September, and about the same in October because of visa issues.

Only a couple of days after the Mission Fast, our numbers jumped to 19 in September, and now we will be receiving more than we expected in October!

The Lord is definitely blessing and opening the doors for this land to receive more faithful missionaries, and to prepare the people here for the blessings of the temple!

We are seeing more and more miracles!


  1. That’s awesome, how wonderful! Do we know when the temple is due to open? That will be amazing.

    1. The hope for the temple is somewhere around April, but still not sure!

  2. One of these missionaries is MINE. We are busy getting him ready to send to you. He goes to the consulate on Thursday. I am so grateful for this blog. We already feel like part of your mission family. Thank you so much for the frequent updates. I know I will appreciate them even more when he gets there.

    1. Who is your missionary? We have been praying for these missionaries to come!

  3. Such wonderful blessings. I am a tad sad knowing my Missionary Elder Parisot is preparing his last 3 months there. I know he loves it so much. I am so excited to see the growth and temple attendance. So many blessings.

  4. We love Elder Parisot! I can't believe how fast time goes! The projected time for the temple is now April, but it is constantly changing!

  5. I am so greatful that am one of those missionaries.

  6. Yah my Missionary Son is on his way today 18/09 from the Johannesburg MTC. He is Elder Crichton 😊

    1. President and I are getting ready to go to the airport!!! We are so excited to meet your son! We have a full day planned for him and the others arriving! He will get his assigned area tonight after dinner!I will try to post photos as soon as I can! We will take good care of him!

    2. Thank you very much. I know he will be taken good care of and that he is in great hands.
      Thank you so much Sister Thompson xx
